Tuesday, 27 October 2015

Children's Day Photos

Hi 3A,

Here are some photos we took on Children's Day.

Enjoy :)
Gifts for the girls 

Gifts for the Boys 

Monday, 19 October 2015

Home-based Learning Plan for 19-22 October 2015

Dear pupils and parents of class 3A, 

Please click on the link below to find out about the homework assigned for 19 to 22 October 2015.

Miss Oh 

Friday, 16 October 2015

Mathematics Homework

Dear parents and pupils,

The class took a longer time than I planned to complete the unit on TIME in the Workbook. The difficulty comes when some of you were not sure how to draw a proper Time Line ( with all the details required).

I have created a TIME handout with a checklist to help them. Hope you will find it useful.

The following were returned to the pupils today :

1) Math Workbook Unit 13 - Time
2) Math Workbook Unit 15 - Perpendicular and Parallel Lines
3) SA2 Practice Paper Set 1
4) Area & Perimeter Worksheet 2

For SA 2 Practice Paper Set 1 , please file if you have a double tick.
If you do not have a double tick, please complete the corrections to hand in next Friday on 23 Oct.

For the above (1) , (2) and (4) , please do not file them. Please complete all the required corrections and bring them back on 23 Oct as well.

If you have any questions on the above or on your Home Based Learning, you may email me at:


Thank you,
Mrs Ow Yong

Wednesday, 14 October 2015

Home Based Learning - Mathematics

Dear pupils of 3A,

The level has prepared 2 Practice Papers as Revision to prepare the P3 pupils for the SA 2 examinations.

1) Practice Paper Set 1 
- We have completed Set 1 and I have gone through the corrections with the class.
- Pls calculate your marks and get your parents to sign
- Complete the corrections and bring it back on 16 Oct ( Fri)

2) Home Based Learning  
You will need to complete the following for your Home Base Learning from 19 - 22 Oct :

1) MC Online Work - 7 Questions
2) Practice Paper Set 2
3) Math Workbook Revision 7 - (Omit Q1, 4 , 5b)

Do bring back the Practice Paper 2 and Revision 2 on 23 Oct (Fri) when you return to school.
I may not be able to complete marking the above for you but we will need to go through the work together as a class.

3) I will also be returning the Endeavour Unit Worksheets to you.

4) Most of your Stretch Worksheets are with me. We will work on them after SA 2 exams.

Let all put in our best to persevere during this revision week.

Stay healthy, drink lots of water and also do get ample rest in between your revision.

Mrs Ow Yong

Thursday, 24 September 2015

Home-based Learning for Today (25 September 2015)

Dear 3A pupils and parents, 

The school has activated Home-based Learning due to the school closure. Please log on to MConline to complete your online homework for today. These are the assignments for the various subjects:

MC Online:
(1) Writing: Tutorial (A Good Closure)
(2) Writing: Activity (A Good Closure)
(3) Listening Comprehension Practice

MC Online:
(DMTest) – 2A Revision 2 – P3 (Term 2)


Chinese Language
Please log in to Etutor online to finish the HBL homework: MCQ Questions.

Malay Language 
Do MC Online practice assigned by teachers.

In the meantime, do take care of your health and stay indoors!

Best regards, 
Miss Oh 

Sunday, 30 August 2015

Comparing Fractions

We had a lesson on comparing fractions. The concepts is easier learned with the use of the fraction bars. Pupils will understand why the need to rewrite the fractions to be like fractions for easier comparison.

Monday, 17 August 2015

Fraction Games

Dear 3A,

Here are the links for comparing and ordering fractions:

Fraction Tug Team  (group game)  Start a group with your friends and have a competition ! Enjoy !

Number Climb ( individual game)

Here another link for Equivalent Fractions.

You will need to compare and order the fractions fast to win.

Homework for 20 - 23 Aug 2015 :

3 sets of MConline Fractions Assignments . Due on 24 Aug 15 ( Monday)

Mrs Ow Yong


Wednesday, 29 July 2015

Working with Tangrams

There are many benefits to playing with Tangrams. They can be used to develop problem-solving and logical thinking skills, perceptual reasoning (nonverbal thinking skills), visual-spatial awareness, creativity and many mathematical concepts such as congruency, symmetry, area, perimeter, and geometry. Most crucially, perhaps, is the change of perspective of maths being something boring to becoming a creative and fun activity, leading to a desire to tackle more advanced maths.  In fact, using Tangrams is one of the primary recommendations I make to improve the mathematical and thinking skills of the children who come to see me for assessment.

For those who have never used them before, a Tangram is an ancient Chinese puzzle comprising seven pieces (tans) of three geometric shapes – two large, one medium and two small triangles, one square and one parallelogram. Tangrams can be used as a puzzle, where the seven pieces are arranged to make an almost-endless variety of objects, such as people, animals, letters, etc. The rules of play are that you must use all seven tans, they must lay flat, they must touch and none may overlap. At the easiest level, you can simply place the pieces onto the patterns; at the most difficult, only a silhouette of the object is shown and you have to recreate it using the Tangrams. They can also be used in a more creative way to make your own designs.

Here are some online tangrams that you can try : 

Addicting Games
Math Playground
Silver Games

For those who have never used them before, a Tangram is an ancient Chinese puzzle comprising seven pieces (tans) of three geometric shapes – two large, one medium and two small triangles, one square and one parallelogram. Tangrams can be used as a puzzle, where the seven pieces are arranged to make an almost-endless variety of objects, such as people, animals, letters, etc. The rules of play are that you must use all seven tans, they must lay flat, they must touch and none may overlap. At the easiest level, you can simply place the pieces onto the patterns; at the most difficult, only a silhouette of the object is shown and you have to recreate it using the Tangrams. They can also be used in a more creative way to make your own designs.

Monday, 6 July 2015

Math Topical Test 4 ( Week 7)

Please note that the next Math Topical Test  is on 14 Aug ( Friday) in Week 7.

There will only be 1 Topical Test this term .

The topics that were be tested are :

- Bar Graphs
- Money
- Length, Mass & Volume
- Heuristics

Hidato Puzzle

I shared with the class a new Mathematics Puzzle, Hidato last week.
Many were eager to solve it. We tried the first puzzle together as a class and it was fun.
The key to solving it is to look/count forward at the position of the next number and not to give up.
Pupils need to have the perseverance when faced with difficult and challenging Math problems.  

You can read more about Hidato by clicking on this link.

Can you Solve it?

Watch a video here on how Hidato is born.

Hope you are enjoying the puzzles we are solving in class. Once we are done with the "Beginner " level, we will try our hands on the "Intermediate", "Expert" and even the "Master" level.

Tuesday, 2 June 2015

A B C's

Dear 3A pupils,

I shared this with you in the class during the last week of school.

If you scored an

A : It means you must Always Work Hard
B: It means you can be Better
C: It means you must Catch Up  

Each of you has set personal goals for your SA1 results, if you did not achieve your goals, do not be disappointed. Use your time wisely to revise your work and catch up.

Do remember to  factor in some rest time to bond with your family and enjoy your hobbies. Enjoy your well deserved break.

Happy holidays :)

Mrs Ow Yong

June Holidays Math Homework

Dear pupils,

Thank you for bringing to my attention that  Q14 & Q18 question stems did not come out clearly in the June Holidays Math worksheets.

Following are the complete questions:

Q14 :

A fruit basket contains a total of 3805 apples and oranges. 2147 of the fruits are apples. Find the number of oranges. 

1) 1388 
2) 1658
3) 1758
4) 5952

Q18 :

Mr Tan had 42 sweets . He gave the sweets equally to 4 pupils and had 2 sweets left. How many sweets did each pupil receive? 

1)  7
2)  9
3) 10 
4) 21  

Have a good holidays .

Tuesday, 19 May 2015

Pointers for Mathematics

Dear parents ,

We have just completed the SA1 exams, the class has generally performed well and I am pleased with the results. I would like to share the following that were reinforced in my classroom teaching.

Please refer to the uploaded slides.


Slide 1 : Use of Markers 
As the pupils proceed to higher levels and the problems gets more challenging, often with multiple steps, I am teaching the pupils to use pointers to guide them in their solutions.

I am weaning the class from presenting their answers like when they were in Primary 2. At Primary 2, they were required to just write the equations (mathematical statements).

Markers will give the child clarity of thoughts on what they were trying to find as they worked through the multiple steps.

Slide 2 : Labelling & Use of Hashtags 
Pupils should have the good habit of  labelling their solutions clearly .

I also taught the pupils to hashtag their final answer. Many times ( Section B or Section C), pupils lost focus. They worked out the correct final solution in the equations but wrote down a different answer on final answer blank.

The hashtag will tell the teachers that that is the intended final answer and marks will not be deducted should they commit an incorrect answer (due to carelessness) in the final answer line.

Slide 3 & Slide 4 
The pupils were also taught to work backwards to check the accuracy of their answers.

Model Drawing 
Lastly, many parents and pupils ask if it is necessary to draw models for their solutions. I shared with the pupils that it is not a must to draw models. But if drawing models helps them in the solution, please draw. Model Drawing is one of the heuristics in problem solving.

Primary 3 pupils need to start learning to draw so that they are familiar with the model drawing skills.

I hope you will find the above useful.

Have a great June Holidays :)  


Monday, 20 April 2015

Knowledge-building Lesson

We had a Knowledge-building (KB) lesson in the computer lab this morning. Since last week, we have been working in groups to write our composition on Fire. We then read through the compositions written by various groups on the Knowledge Forum website and chose the composition that we like. You may read the comments posted by your peers at your free time.

Parent Briefing Session

It was nice meeting some of your parents last Saturday!

Here are some answers to the commonly asked questions:

1. The Literature programme for Charlie and the Chocolate Factory will begin after examination. Pupils will need to complete reading the book before the commencement of the programme.

2. Do refer to the Listening Comprehension book for oral practices. The practices will be a good preparation for the examination. So far, we have done some reading and Stimulus-based Conversation practices in class and we will have more practices this week. There are also activities to better prepare for the examination on MConline. Do look them up at the Oral Section (New Format).

3. On 4th May (Week 7), we will be having our Paper 1 examination (composition writing). Composition files will be given back by this week for revision. As we cannot anticipate (predict) what the composition will be about, it is good to revisit some of the notes, words and phrases given as revision instead.

4. Some parents have raised their concerns regarding the weight of school bags. Do remember to pack your school bag according to your timetable. For example, if there is no Science lesson on a particular day, there is no need to bring Science books to school. As lockers are not provided in school, it is important that you pack your bag according to the timetable so that your school bag is not too heavy. Teachers will try their best to keep your books in the shelves if they can.

Do feel free to e-mail me at oh_hui_chan@moe.edu.sg if you have further queries. :)

Tuesday, 14 April 2015

ICT Lesson - Microsoft Excel

Today , the class had an ICT lesson on using EXCEL to create bar graphs . Here are some photos of their learning .