Tuesday, 19 May 2015

Pointers for Mathematics

Dear parents ,

We have just completed the SA1 exams, the class has generally performed well and I am pleased with the results. I would like to share the following that were reinforced in my classroom teaching.

Please refer to the uploaded slides.


Slide 1 : Use of Markers 
As the pupils proceed to higher levels and the problems gets more challenging, often with multiple steps, I am teaching the pupils to use pointers to guide them in their solutions.

I am weaning the class from presenting their answers like when they were in Primary 2. At Primary 2, they were required to just write the equations (mathematical statements).

Markers will give the child clarity of thoughts on what they were trying to find as they worked through the multiple steps.

Slide 2 : Labelling & Use of Hashtags 
Pupils should have the good habit of  labelling their solutions clearly .

I also taught the pupils to hashtag their final answer. Many times ( Section B or Section C), pupils lost focus. They worked out the correct final solution in the equations but wrote down a different answer on final answer blank.

The hashtag will tell the teachers that that is the intended final answer and marks will not be deducted should they commit an incorrect answer (due to carelessness) in the final answer line.

Slide 3 & Slide 4 
The pupils were also taught to work backwards to check the accuracy of their answers.

Model Drawing 
Lastly, many parents and pupils ask if it is necessary to draw models for their solutions. I shared with the pupils that it is not a must to draw models. But if drawing models helps them in the solution, please draw. Model Drawing is one of the heuristics in problem solving.

Primary 3 pupils need to start learning to draw so that they are familiar with the model drawing skills.

I hope you will find the above useful.

Have a great June Holidays :)