Thursday, 21 January 2016

More Than / Less Than

For this lesson, pupils work in groups of 4 or 5. As this is the first group work in the year, I went through the group rules with them again following the acronym "GROUPS".

For this activity, they  took turns to pick numeral cards from a deck to form a 5 digit number. The group then need to work out what is 1 more, 10 more, 1000 more and 10 000 more than that number.

They repeat the same for 1 less, 10 less , 100 less and 1000 less.

Here are some pictures of them working collaboratively in groups. As they got excited, they were reminded to use their 15 cm voices instead of their "soccer field" voices.

Awarding groups that display strong teamwork following the GROUP rules with Class Dojo points proved to be an effective tool to ensure that the groups stay on task. I am glad that the class responded well to the Class Dojo points system.

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